Above is a picture I took just after moonrise on 26 April 2021 in Florida. The "pink" supermoon slowly climbed over my neighbor's rooftops, passing behind a few clouds on the horizon before getting too bright for my Nikon to capture.
I subscribe to a email newsletter, Now I Know, from Dan Lewis, which arrives weekday mornings and usually contains brief bits of information on a multitude of subjects. Yesterday, he reported on his research on a dialog which occurred during the Apollo 16 moonwalk. But his bonus fact I found more intriguing. I've clipped it and post it in its entirety below:
Bonus fact: As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, the moon is part of Florida (kind of). Aleteia explains: “In 1968, William Donald Borders was named the first bishop of Orlando. When Apollo 11 launched one year later, there was still a law in the books that stated that any newly discovered territory would fall under the bishopric from whence the discovering expedition departed. Since Cape Canaveral [the launch site] was under the purview of the Diocese of Orlando, Bishop Borders was effectively the first bishop of the moon.”
So, no cathedral there (yet) but the moon's cathedral would be St James Catholic Cathedral in Orlando. A picture I took is included on page 270 of my photobook Cathedrals to the Glory of God. Here's an alternate picture of that building and one of the bishop's cathedra, taken 2 June 2016 on my visit to the three cathedrals in Orlando, Florida.